Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democrats have the house back

I think when the house went rebublican during the 1993 elections the democrats had held the house for 40 some old years. I hope the next couple of years are more productive then the last 13 years.


At 08 November, 2006 11:52, Blogger Chris said...

The next couple of years will be interesting, for sure. If Bush and Cheney resign or are removed from office, we will have our first ever woman preznit.

It's too bad that Ford, Jr, lost in Tenn. He would have won if he were white. Corker is such an uninspiring person, his acceptance speech was bland, and Ford's concession speach was brilliant.

I see the future, and it holds Preznit Obama, Secretary of State Ford Jr, and Attorney General Deval Patrick. You hear all these people saying Obama, is "too green" to run for president, but those are the people who want him to lose. If you're going to run for president as a senator, you'd better make sure your voting record is over a very brief period of time...there's a reason why governors are so successful at running for president.

You only have to look at the career of preznit Lincoln to see what an "unexperienced" politician can accomplish in the executive branch.


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