Senator Reid and Durbin
This exchange on the senate floor is something rarely seen from democrats. I am not sure how many people saw it since it was on C-Span. I know it was not on the main stream media. I found it on crooksandliars. Its funny and sad all at the same time. It basically summarizes that is wrong with the administration. It was a inovatice approach to calling attention to this article which appeared in the Sunday Washington Post. The author was also interviewed on Fresh Air (20min). In both the article and interview he give specific examples and concrete evidence of why Iraq has turned in to such a Fiasco which was destined to go south from the beginning. Sometimes I wonder where we would be if more questions were asked from the beginning. How loud would have been loud enough to break through the "patriotic" silence leading up to the war.
"The decision to send the loyal and the willing instead of the best and the brightest is now regarded by many people involved in the 3 1/2 -year effort to stabilize and rebuild Iraq as one of the Bush administration's gravest errors." -Rajiv Chandrasekaran
I wish the camera would have zoomed out, to show us how many senators were actually in attendance...the seats behind Durbin were empty. I'm wondering how full the chamber was, and how many of those in attendance were actually Republicans.
My guess is that the chamber was empty...becuase nobody raised an objection or whatever they call it in the senatorial chambers. The rlauguoubs were probabaly meeting in commitee by themshelves...deciding things on their like they always do.
It's really strange how the Democrats have all of these different forums, but it makes sense seeing how the Repubs don't let them do anything. At least they're permitted to have the forums. And they've been getting into the media lately, like when those retired generals totally lambasted Rumsfeld. How many people have to say he is an utter failure before he's out of there? I wonder if he has a very high opinon of himself, or if he takes any of these comments to heart? There was a time when rampant public disapproval of a government official would lead to their downfall...remember Jocelyn Elders? As far as I know, her advice to teach masturbation didn't lead to a large number of deaths. There's a problem with society when educated people who criticize administration appointees are always derided as being overly political and self-interested. People who say these opinions shouldn't be aired in public during wartime don't understand that if they're not sired in public, they won't be heard at all.
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