Saturday, May 26, 2007

Boston is reaching Critical Mass!

Yesterday I was lounging on Copley Square, gently sipping my Gatorade Frost, when it occurred to me that there were many, many bicyclists loitering on the square, just hanging out and not riding their bikes. I figured that something would happen eventually, a bunch of random people with bikes do not coincidentally happen upon the same spot at once. And suddenly, they all got up and started riding around in a circle on the square, and as their numbers reached a critical mass, they darted out towards the street, at least 100 - 200 bicyclists saying "screw you" to the jumble of rush hour cars and taking to the streets for the fun of it, for the hell of it, and I guess to remind people that there are other ways to get around besides a gas guzzler. It was all very entertaining and it made me smile. It's a regular thing, too, called Critical Mass. There's one in Rochester, NY. There's one in London. There's one in Burlington, VT. Get on your bikes and ride, bitches! I would, if I owned one.


At 28 May, 2007 08:39, Blogger Manish said...

I think alot of the participants in critical mass and other spontaneuos mobs were the outsiders in sixth grade and i think critical mass is much cooler then going to a party at suzy's house.


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