Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Just give it all to Haliburton

The company that Walter Reed was 0utsourcing its care to owned by Haliburton. Honestly this administration just wants to outsource everything to Haliburton. Bush ran in 2000 on a platform of less government. I guess what he meant by that not small government but, actually letting private companies do government. If you look at most policies they want other people to do it rather than the government. Look at the faith based charity initiatives that Bush pushed when he got into office. Take people off welfare and send them to churches for help...and who really takes advantage of that? Walmart and its 38 hours a week non-full time employees who don't get health and insurance and actually have organizations and governmental organizations where employees can get help with for their families on bulletin boards. Sorry for the digression...anyway Haliburton could not get ice to Katrina Victims, it way overcharges for meals to feed the troops at war, and they could not take care of the wounded warriors when they come home. This really has to stop...or we should for get about Hillary, Obama, and Edwards and just elect the CEO of Haliburton. We already have one former CEO of Haliburton serving as Vice-President.


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