Friday, July 21, 2006

My review of Superman Returns

Kate Bosworth can't act her way out of a paper bag, Brandan Routh is no Christopher Reeve, and Kevin Spacey is appropriately comic bookish as Lex Luthor that it's impossible to take him seriously. There were a few shining moments, but there's absolutely no reason not to wait until this one comes out on DVD. Or better yet, go back and rent Superman I and II, they're much more enjoyable. On the plus side, you'll probably get a preview of Spiderman 3 if you go to see the movie in the theater...and that looks freakin' awesome. Sandman!

Am I the only one who thinks Lex Luthor is a really, really boring villain? I mean, how many times can they use this guy as Superman's enemy? There are many others...Bizzarro, to name one.

I think if Nicholas Cage had been the new Superman, the new movie would have been a hell of a lot more interesting, though it would be tough to save the movie from the script they had to work with.


At 21 July, 2006 13:27, Blogger Chris said...





At 21 July, 2006 15:31, Blogger AntFarm16 said...

Zod and Ursa scared the hell out of me when I was 7. Non was tame--kind of a big alien gorilla. I had a dream about 15 years ago that I was in Nazi Germany and somehow the Superman II triumvirate were in the SS or Gestapo or something. I hid behind a wine cask, I think...or some beer barrel to get away....

moral: don't let 7 year old Jewish kids see Superman II. Unless they're old enough to drink.

At 24 July, 2006 10:46, Blogger Chris said...

I didn't realize you used alcohol to hide from your problems at such an early age, Steve.

At 22 August, 2006 01:33, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Zod was such a better villain. Couldn't stand Spacey as Luthor and I agree about Bosworth. But the hottie wasn't so bad!


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