Bush had one of these meetings before, with former Secretaries of State and Defense. Not much seemed to come of it. Yet they're doing it AGAIN. Why?!!? I'd love to know what's going on in these meetings, if anything's being accomplished or if it's just one big show. I'd hardly think that they'd all go for it again if that were the case. Any chance to get the President's ear, I suppose. Might as well take it.
Colin's poture and position really as some presidential...to bad he was "set" with the UN demostration.
I had high hopes for Colin Powell, but he's a magnificient disappointment. I hope he writes a juicy tell-all book someday. I'd buy that for a dollar.
No, I guess he isn't. I'm pretty sure that Powell wasn't bought, but he's definitely quite the naive guy. Or he's got a screw loose, or both. Condi is definitely doing a better job at Sec. of State, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that Bush seems to have a much easier time taking advice from and working with women. But McCain has become such the consummate politician that he makes me ill. Gore in '08! It can and will happen.
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